Happy Easter!

God has risen! We’re all saved! 

Happy Easter people!

This entry will be messy with all the randomness I’d like to write down. First of all, this is probably the first time I am telling in this blog that I am in a relationship and I am super happy! The BF and I have been official for nearly two years now, braving the distance, time difference, and language barrier. Though we seemed to take it in quite cushy, it’s not all an easy feat.  I’ll be dedicating an entry specifically about us, next time. 🙂

In line with now, my love life, I am also learning the BF’s native language – Deutsch ( German ) and this has been causing me both frustration and inspiration. Imagine, the contradiction?! It’s inspiring because I never thought I’ll ever dare to learn a 3rd language and be really serious ( sometimes trying too hard and yet learning still quite not enough ) about it. Frustrating, because it is one of the craziest vernacular to get your older brain and tongue to adapt with. I mean, maybe if I was younger and I have been exposed to the language earlier, it wouldn’t feel so different. In which, again, from another perspective can be inspiring too,  because knowing you’re learning, no matter how dreadfully slow and tiny the progression is, it is an achievement itself, or at least, it is for me.

There’s been a lot of “adulting” stuff I’ve been working on recently, plus doing more OT at work, to hopefully increase my funds to cover my growing expenditures too, keeps me mostly occupied. Sounds so mature? haha!

I know I’ve said this every time, but I wish to spend more here writing often.

Easter is always igniting fresh start! May every day of our lives sparks a new beginning that excites us all and keeps on living always in God’s lead of great hope and love!


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